jueves, 19 de junio de 2008



Prior to the Seminole tribe had a route to trade, that route now is known as the Ocmulgee river. Since 1734 the european colonist began move among the seminoles.

some europeans were married with indian women for take the power in the clans. The trade began when the husband of the indian women, gave clothes to him. little by little the Indians went away adapting a new style life. like "Shiny and colorful European glass beads replaced the shell beads the Indians had previously worn for decoration along with their tattooing or body paint. Wool and cotton cloth replaced hides for clothing". Also the women using the new cloth materials, metal needles, and thread traded for deer hides.

the same happened with indian men, they sarted looking the europeans how wore, and they look that the indians women preferred the europeans men. therefore the warriors started to "spent increasingly more time and went greater distances to hunt deer or other animals providing furs or skins for trade"


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