viernes, 20 de junio de 2008


BY: Diana Ortiz

In the culture Seminole, existed several wars to obtain an economic and law independence. To the passage of these tensions they went honoring personages in the life of the tribe in where of the passage of history heroes took control of their tribe thanks to the contribution done for the well-being of the community.

We found two heroes representative, that thanks to his honor obtained to several profits for the freedom and protection of the inhabited territory. Abraham in 1837 and 1838 defended to his community whipped by the slavery; on the contrary John Horse in 1849 and 1850 defended it of the attacks of the Mexican Indians whom they loved to transfer the border and to invade his territory. We found that these two soldiers of the culture Seminole, each that in his determined time, they marked the history of the community and they stood out like leaders of the same one.
These two personages have some similarities, but without doubt, noticeable differences.

On the other hand, both soldiers Seminoles focused in the protection of the community, without mattering what he could happen to them to obtain it. Abraham in the second war Seminole I release of the slavery to a multitude of people Seminoles of General Jesup giving them the freedom, on the other hand, Horse, protected the borders of its territory of the bad intentions of Mexican soldiers whom they loved to invade the space and to adapt it anyway to it.

On the contrary these two soldiers handled noticeable differences in the form to act their community in front of, on the other hand Abraham assured nonknowledge that came for its future, in its unfortunate life, thus did not concern that it happened with its life, on the contrary Horse to him gave the life by the others like a sacrifice marked in its life, by the protection of the life of its community before himself.

On the other hand, the personality of these two heroes was specially different, since Abraham recognized itself in the diplomacy to solve any conflict, different from Horse that preferred the violence beings that the conciliation. It is significant to stand out that Horse more than Abraham I look for the benefit of the community without thinking about him, and always respect as much to its friends as to its enemies.

Even though which in the culture Seminoles existed wars, thanks to these could obtain their independence. The heroes marked to history thanks to their valiant performances for the well-being and the security of the community Seminole.

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