viernes, 20 de junio de 2008

Comparing and contrasting Seminoles Culture Vs Colombian Culture

By: Diana Ortiz
Paula Caceres
Felipe Vega

Nowadays Cultures can be compared with the ancient ones, and it is possible to find some similarities, but in fact there are more differences. An example of that is the contrast between the Colombian and Seminole Culture.

In terms of similarities, some people of both cultures adopt the Christianism as their religion belief. Also into this culture, there is a ceremony to be married. Those two are most relevant similarities.

However they have some differences in files life the family structure. For example in the Seminoles tribe is common to find families with two or more wives. In contrast, in Colombian families duogamy is not allowed. In the Seminole tribe the members can’t choose their couple, while Colombian people can choose in a free way the couple. Moreover the Seminole girls get married at 16 years old, and men at 20 years old. In Colombian culture the marriage is a free decision.

The ceremonies also change between those two cultures. For example the burial ritual in the Seminoles society consists on carries the deceased body to the Everglades and put it close to his possessions. Colombian people also celebrate a burial ceremony, but they don’t put the possession surrounding the body.

All in all both cultures have similarities but have differences, specially in the family structure and in rituals.

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