lunes, 16 de junio de 2008

Religious believes


The Seminoles are one of the five tribes that has a fast adaptation of the white mans civilization. Some of the Seminoles, converted to Christianity, however some others never considered converting to the christen faith, and continue with the ancient tribal beliefs.

In these ancient beliefs, are present a Great Spirit, and some other good and bad spirits, these spirits may influence the affairs of men and are appeased with offerings and prayers. Seminoles believe in a sky world( above the earth) and in a sub world(below the earth), moreover believe that all the creatures and inanimate things have spirit, and the spirit set free when the object is broken or the creature dies. Additionally they believe in legendary creatures, like mischievous dwarf-like creatures and mythical serpents of irregular size, and extraordinary abilities.

Seminoles think that humans are weak, and the super natural are all powerful, in this way, they believe in an orderly world, in consequence when they hunted and killed animals, the know is necessary keep things intact, so they would apologize to the animals, through rituals and purified themselves.

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