lunes, 16 de junio de 2008



The family is the base of the society, giving to emphasis in the culture and the reproduction the community seminole it has one structures relative based on his beliefs and customs that make individual and different front from the different tribes from North America.

The family in the tribe seminole is conformed by a husband, one or more wives and the children. Already which the tribe is located in Florida, this is due to prevail by some laws of the same one. Therefore when a husband leaves state and is committed in marriage with another woman was of the limits of the state, it commits bigamy, and it is punished so much with the law of the United States and the Seminole tribe.

The consolidation of a family initiates in the conformation of the pair. This occurs of the following way. A man around the 20 years or less can be interested in a woman of 16 years. When this is past, the man goes to the father of the woman of which one has been interested. They make an agreement between the families and one arrives a date for the commitment and the wedding. The marriage ceremony is generally a very simple and simple ritual. It is made in the house of the mother of the law. The day of the marriage ceremony the fiancès sleep their respective paternal houses and on the following day conyugues, will be able to live in their own house.

When one is a divorce, the tribe seminole is very strict. And single east event occurs when the husband does not fulfill the requirements to him to the wife. Then one reaches an agreement and the spouses separate. The woman remains living in the house with the children and the man must go away to another place.

The family of seminoles is of traditional, and full culture costumary strict. It is important to emphasize the quality in the education and transmission of the culture.

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